5b's very!!!! out of tune day 100wc # 2

Once upon a time, the class of 5B was sitting bored in their seats, It was a Monday. In the middle of summer and the air conditioners were broken! Ms Modica wasn't here because she’d broken her leg. And Mrs.Barnes was worrying because the coffee maker in the teachers lounge was broken. Suddenly a new teacher popped her head in the classroom she had big dangly earrings and purple glitter eyeshadow, green lipstick and the biggest buck teeth you ever did see! “Hee haw class! Hooody doing! Me izz Mzz. Babakanooosh”! “Comin’ along for som’ musical fun!! Everyone kickety over here”! 5B was very very terrified!!! It’s not every day that a very out of tune lady named M.zz Babakanoosh comes in the classroom saying “Hoody.”


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